Tuesday, November 26, 2019
American Government essayEssay Writing Service
American Government essayEssay Writing Service American Government essay American Government essay           Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas are two representatives of two minority groups, who have reached the Supreme Court level in their career development but, in the course of their life and career, they had to overcome numerous biases and challenges, which they confronted to reach their personal and professional success and which they described in their autobiographical books.           In fact, both books are very useful in terms of understanding the professional development and career progress of representatives of minority groups in probably the most conservative field, the US justice system. Both authors reveal the impact of their personal biases, determined by their cultural background and social biases and stereotypes, which also affected their life consistently. Moreover, both books emphasize the problem of integration of minority groups into the mainstream culture and rela ted difficulties and challenges rather than their career success. This is why books are particularly useful in terms of understanding specific issues minorities deal with in the US and give insights to how to overcome those challenges, biases and other issues that arise in face of representatives of minority groups in the US.           On the other hand, the lack of focus on professional challenges is the major drawback of both books. To put it more precisely, the authors fail to uncover how their minority background influenced their career development. For example, the authors do not reveal clearly whether they have faced discrimination or not. In addition, they do not provide clear recommendations on how to close gaps between the mainstream culture and minorities.Thus both books are useful in terms of the revelation of the adaptation of minorities to the life within the US mainstream culture.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Nuremberg Laws of 1935
The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 On September 15, 1935, the Nazi government passed two new racial laws at their annual NSDAP Reich Party Congress in Nuremberg, Germany. These two laws (the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law to Protect German Blood and Honor) became collectively known as the Nuremberg Laws. These laws took German citizenship away from Jews and outlawed both marriage and sex between Jews and non-Jews. Unlike historical antisemitism, the Nuremberg Laws defined Jewishness by heredity (race) rather than by practice (religion). Early Antisemitic Legislation On April 7, 1933, the first major piece of antisemitic legislation in Nazi Germany was passed; it was entitled the â€Å"Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service.†The law served to bar Jews and other non-Aryans from participating in various organizations and professions in the civil service. Additional laws during April 1933 targeted Jewish students at public schools and universities and those who worked in the legal and medical professions. Between 1933 and 1935, many more pieces of antisemitic legislation were passed at both the local and national levels. The Nuremberg Laws At their annual Nazi Party rally in the southern German city of Nuremberg, the Nazis announced on September 15, 1935, the creation of the Nuremberg Laws, which codified the racial theories espoused by the party ideology. The Nuremberg Laws were actually a set of two laws: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor. Reich Citizenship Law There were two major components to the Reich Citizenship Law. The first component stated that: Anyone who enjoys the protection of the Reich is considered to be a subject of it and is therefore obligated to the Reich.Nationality is determined by the Reich and state nationality laws. The second component explained how citizenship would henceforth be determined. It stated: A citizen of the Reich must be of German blood or Germanic origin and must prove by his/her conduct that they are suited to be a loyal German citizen.Citizenship may only be conferred with an official certificate of Reich citizenshipOnly Reich citizens may receive full political rights By taking away their citizenship, the Nazis had legally pushed Jews to the fringe of society. This was a crucial step in enabling the Nazis to strip Jews of their basic civil rights and liberties. Remaining German citizens were hesitant to object for fear of being accused of being disloyal to the German government as decreed under the Reich Citizenship Law. The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor The second law announced on September 15 was motivated by the Nazi’s desire to ensure the existence of a â€Å"pure†German nation for eternity. A major component of the law was that those with â€Å"German-related blood†were not allowed to marry Jews or have sexual relations with them. Marriages that had occurred prior to the passage of this law would remain in effect; however, German citizens were encouraged to divorce their existing Jewish partners. Only a few chose to do so. Additionally, under this law, Jews were not permitted to employ house servants of German blood who were under the age of 45. The premise behind this section of the law was centered around the fact that women under this age were still able to bear children and thus, were at risk to be seduced by Jewish males in the household. Finally, under the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, Jews were forbidden to display the flag of the Third Reich or the traditional German flag. They were only permitted to display â€Å"Jewish colors†and the law promised the protection of the German government in demonstrating this right. November 14 Decree On November 14, the first decree to the Reich Citizenship Law was added. The decree specified exactly who would be considered Jewish from that point forward. Jews were placed into one of three categories: Full Jews: those who practiced Judaism or those who had at least 3 Jewish grandparents, regardless of religious practice.First Class Mischlinge (half Jewish): those who had 2 Jewish grandparents, did not practice Judaism and did not have a Jewish spouse.Second Class Mischlinge (one-fourth Jewish): those who had 1 Jewish grandparent and did not practice Judaism. This was a major change from historical antisemitism in that Jews would be legally defined not simply by their religion but also by their race. Many individuals who were life-long Christians found themselves suddenly labeled as Jews under this law. Those who were labeled as â€Å"Full Jews†and â€Å"First Class Mischlinge†were persecuted in mass numbers during the Holocaust. Individuals who were labeled as â€Å"Second Class Mischlinge†stood a greater chance of staying out of harm’s way, particularly in Western and Central Europe, as long as they did not draw undue attention to themselves. Extension of Antisemitic Policies As the Nazis spread into Europe, the Nuremberg Laws followed. In April 1938, after a pseudo-election, Nazi Germany annexed Austria. That fall, they marched into the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. The following spring, on March 15, they overtook the remainder of Czechoslovakia. On September 1, 1939, the Nazi invasion of Poland led to the beginning of World War II and further expansion of Nazi policies throughout Europe. The Holocaust The Nuremberg Laws would ultimately lead to the identification of millions of Jews throughout Nazi-occupied Europe. Over six million of those identified would perish in concentration and death camps, at the hands of the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) in Eastern Europe and through other acts of violence. Millions of others would survive but first endured a fight for their lives at the hands of their Nazi tormentors. The events of this era would become known as the Holocaust.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
2-3 paragraphs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
2-3 paragraphs - Essay Example This debate on whether viruses are living or non-living continues, and challenges our very definition of what is alive and what is not. Viruses are thought to be not alive on their own, but with a potential for life if they can find a host. All living beings have a critical complexity which lets them autonomously perform metabolic functions for their own survival and since viruses lack this critical complexity, they are on the edge of life. They are not fully alive but not completely inert either, as they can affect living beings in tremendous ways. The genetic code of the Mimivirus, for instance, is extremely complex, and makes it quite similar to parasitic cellular organisms. It is in this complexity of genetical make-up that the true significance of a virus lies, because it enables the virus to program the host cells in ways that could unexpectedly change the direction of the host’s evolution as some of the virus’s genome becomes a permanent part of a host’s genome. Some of the genomes that may seem to have come into the human genetic make-up through bacteria may have actually originated in a virus. Thus, despite being on the borderline of life, the role of viruses in living beings and evolution needs to be considered at length in order to fully understand the nature of life and its
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Addiction is a Brain Disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Addiction is a Brain Disease - Research Paper Example This means that there are two types of addiction: behavioral addiction and substance dependence. This can be harmful for oneself and for others. Furthermore, it is important to distinguish between a habit and an addiction: a habit is what a person chooses to do, and there is no physical and physiological aspect to it, till you become so used to that substance that you cannot do without it. With addiction you also cannot survive on the same doses every time; you need to increase the dosage every time in order to satisfy yourself and you cannot stop without help. It causes many problems in every aspect of one’s life and needs to be considered. Its causes and treatments need to be laid out for better understanding. (Nordqvist, March) The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that allows human beings to evaluate situations, make rational decisions and control their emotions and desires. This part of the brain is still developing in adolescence and abusing it will have a very dire effect in the future. (Buljan, 2010) An addict is a person who is addicted. This person will have desires and cravings, in which he will urgently want to indulge, and usually symptoms of withdrawal accompany this feeling if he does not get the substance he craves. There are several reasons for this disease. Genetics are suspected, and so is the environment, but the new explanation that has been discovered is that it is a brain disease. (Maureen C Nash, 2011) The roles of the reward mechanisms in the brain are suspected to be involved with this disease. Dopamine systems stimulate the brain when it receives a reward be it food, or any other thing that the person likes. This is the only centre of the brain that stimulates it, and no additional centre has been found to cause addiction. Taking the substance that you are addicted to changes the wiring of your brain and you require special needs to fulfill your cravings. Dopamine is activated with the use of the substance or aspect th at you are addicted to; and this is not a natural process, but a highly unnatural one as you make your brain accustomed to the aspects that it is usually not used to, but is in fact actually sensitive to. It not only arouses your brain and rewards it but the arousal it leads to is of abnormal nature, leading to changes in the brain’s motor and cognitive abilities. Other researchers believe that what is involved in addiction includes: the medial prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, amygdala and nucleus accumbens. There are other cortical structures involved in the rewarding centre of the brain apart from dopamine. This was shown by Hans Breiter with the help of functional magnetic resonance imaging. In simple terms, drugs such as morphine, or money, or shopping, rewards your brain and satisfies it. But if you don’t acquire them, you will experience withdrawal. This is not just the case with drugs, but also non-drug expectations. A drug will lead to ‘drug rewardsâ⠂¬â„¢ whereas a non drug will lead to a ‘non-drug reward.’ (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2000) Positron emission tomography studies by Nora Volkrow showed that substance abusers had fewer striatal D2 receptors. There was also lower monoamine oxidase B which is important in the reward circuit of the brain in those who were addicted to smoking. This meant that more dosage was needed every time to stimulate the reward centers because addiction was reducing the enzymes needed to stimulate it. (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2000) The brain reward system can be further extended beyond the dopamine system. The stimulation has to do with the synaptic actions when dopamine is stimulated which are affected by addiction. Since the brain is not used to such stimulation, it is required to adapt to it, a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
People Attitude Towards Work Essay Example for Free
People Attitude Towards Work Essay Peoples attitude to work varies a lot i.e. in relation to the individuals personal experience and their overall perception of others (employers, colleagues) and how they are actually perceived by other people. As emphasized by various key theorists (e.g. Frederick Taylor, Maslow, Douglas McGregor etc.) discussed in Behaviour At Work element 11.1, we (people) make assumption about other people based on our own experience in that, it is a way of making sense of relating to others. We each set ourselves certain standards and expect other people to adhere to them, even though they may not share our views and have different standards for themselves. Motivation is both individual and complex and there is a difference between what motivates people to perform above average and what leads to below average performance. Douglas McGregor emphasized that managers make either theory X or Y assumptions about the way others behave. Theory X assumption includes; * an average human being inherently dislikes work and will avoid it if possible hence, these types of people must be coerced, controlled, directed or even threatened with punishment to get them to put in adequate effort at work. * an average person prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition and wants security above any other thing. Theory Y assumptions on the other hand stresses that; * people do not inherently dislike work and that the conditions of work reflects peoples satisfaction * people will generally exercise self direction and self control in pursuit of the objective to which they are committed * people mostly learn under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility * people are not being used by organisations to their full potential * in order to obtain commitment from employees rewards should fulfill an individuals self actualization needs Choosing either Theory X or Y has an overall effect on people, be it positive or negative i.e. there will be a tendency within an organisation for people to respond to the way they are managed thus, if employees feel that they are not being trusted, this may result in them behaving in a less trustworthy way. PEOPLES ATTITUDE TOWARDS WORK (CONT.) Conclusion: Due to the fact that there is a range of reasons why people behave differently in work situations, hence, it is unrealistic to make generalized assumption about individuals attitude to work i.e. reasons for performing better or worse than average. Behaviour of each group is most likely to be unpredictable e.g. in the case of our Young business enterprise, GNVQ group A unlike group B spent a lot of time meeting despite the fact that there was conflict between individuals, thus we all had to put personal problems aside in order to achieve the same common goal which alternatively reflects on the successful trading carried out via high level of cooperation. Peoples attitude in a particular organisation can be measured by implementing techniques such as; * Preparation of questionnaires which is distributed to a certain number of selected individuals in a particular organisation. (Ref. example of questionnaire which may be used by organisations appendix 1) * Face-to-face interviews this refers to actually forming a one to one communication strategy which deals specifically with obtaining necessary information on employees general attitude towards their work and what motivates them to work harder and effectively. Face-to-face interviews are mainly used to obtain a direct response from the people affected by each policy thus, generating a more realistic subjective view of the employees involved as opposed to making an assumption. Some of the questions which can be included while carrying out an interview are as follows; (1) Can you describe any job you have held where you were faced with problems and pressures which tested your ability to cope? (2) Can you give me an example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree? (3) What stimulates you in your work and how does this motivate you? (4) Would you be willing to work in a position where you are expected to make decisions and how will you conduct yourself? (5) How do you feel about the way you are managed by your superior and what will contribute to you working even better? * Surveys surveys takes different forms depending on the level of workers which are being examined. It can also be seen as a combination of the methods mentioned above i.e. in generating more response so as to obtain an overall result i.e. a more factual information regarding employees, which can obviously be relied on. (Ref. Example of a personnel performance indicator which can be used in highlighting peoples attitude to work appendix 2) (Appendix 1) Questionnaire (1) Would you consider yourself satisfied with the level of responsibility your job involves? Yes[] No[] (2) What motivates you to work? Money[] Promotion[] Job security[] Other . (3) How would you describe you working condition? V. good[] Good[] Average[] Below average[] (4) Do you like working as a group[] ; individually[] ; or both [] (5) Would you like to be included in decision making or quality circle? Yes[] No[] Dont know[] (6) What do you enjoy most in doing your job? .. (7) Have you had any complaint in relation to your level of participation in your job? Yes[] No[] If yes, how do you view this .. (8) How well do you deal with criticism? V. well[] Average [] Below average[] (9) Does criticism affect your overall performance? Yes[] No[] (10) Would you consider yourself Highly motivated[] Easily motivated[] Not easily motivated[] Dont know[] FACTORS AFFECTING MOTIVATION Peoples level of motivation is affected by certain issues, which may lead to an extensive breakdown in communication within an organisation due to lack of cooperation between employees and employees or employees and employers. These factors includes; * Hierarchy of needs this inter relates to Maslows theory of human behaviour i.e. that individuals have five level of needs which they sought to satisfy. The human needs as established by Maslow states that the lowest of our needs include the basic physiological need for food, drink and shelter, once it is satisfied, individuals then needs to protect himself/herself against danger, threat and deprivation thereafter the levels of needs rise through social needs, need for self esteem and status to the need for self actualization. This affects motivation on an individual basis i.e. an individual may focus on each step before actually moving towards self actualization thus, if he/she is not completely satisfy on any of the stages the person tends to struggle a lot in working to his/her best ability this may not be the case for lots of other people. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Self actualization (the need to do the work we like) Esteem (the need to feel worthy and respected) Social needs (the need to be liked/loved and to be a member of a given group) Security (the need to feel safe and secure) Survival (the need to stay alive, to eat, to drink, sleep and reproduce) FACTORS AFFECTING MOTIVATION (CONT.) * Job Satisfaction this affects the way in which people feel about their work in terms of achievement or recognition from others, the work involved, level of responsibility, opportunities for advancement, company policy and administration, supervisions, salary, interpersonal relations and working conditions. In the case where these are not dealt with in a constructive manner, it may give rise to a high level of dissatisfaction at work which may in turn lead to persistent lateness or absenteeism, below average performance and real or imagined illness on the part of workers i.e. due to a downfall in level of motivation. * Challenge if the work involved is not challenging enough for certain employees, it may lead to low staff morale that is, workers may not feel the need to give the job their absolute best. On the other hand, if the job is too broad compared to a relatively low number of employees, it may also have the same negative effect in motivating the workers. * Motivators such as: reward, training, promotion etc. If these motivators lacks in an organisation, workers tend to feel that their needs are not being catered for, hence, developing a negative attitude towards employers which alternatively affect the level of work which is put into the organisation i.e. workers in this situation will only work because they feel the need to work not because they want to work. However, in order to get employees fully involved, various kinds of motivators e.g. shared ownership, cash bonuses etc. should be introduced to commend hard working employees thus, serving as a source of motivation in that people actually perform better when they are willing to work so as to meet a certain target rather than employers forcing work on them because they have to. * Career Development this proves vital in maintaining or improving the level of staff motivation in that, people like to think that their hard work will pay off well as opposed to go unrecognized thus, if there is an opportunity for career development, workers tend to perform well so as to develop their individual skills and at the same time climb up the management ladder. In a situation where it is the opposite, it may lead to a wide spread low morale amongst employees. * Level of Expectancy this may have an overall effect on an individuals attitude towards work i.e. in relation to the expectancy theory developed by Victor Vroom, for example, an individual may respond in a positive way to a high level of expectancy from employers while another employee of the same calibre breakdown under pressure thus, it all boils down to an individuals desire for something in relation to the persons estimation of how likely it can be achieved. MOTIVATORS APPROPRIATE FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE As established by Frederick Taylor (1947) what the workforce want from their employers beyond anything else is high wages and what employers want from their workforce most of all is low labour costs the existence or absence of these two elements forms the basis for either a good or bad management. The major factors which makes people feel satisfied with their job and motivates individuals to work effectively includes; high level of achievement, recognition, opportunities for advancement and responsibility as well as the actual content of the work which is being carried out. On the other hand, factors which affects employees adversely and which lead to high level of dissatisfaction with their individual tasks include negative company policy, low level of salary and benefits, interpersonal relations and the overall working conditions (as described earlier). The following motivators are required so as to encourage individuals to work harder thus, enhancing the workers individual performance; * Autonomy this refers to the amount of freedom and discretion an individual can exercise over a certain job, this gives the worker a higher level of responsibility providing that the person wants and can cope with the responsibility. This will boost an individuals self-reliance thus, being able to meet target more effectively. Although some people prefer jobs with low level of responsibility, this is often common when people have a highly complex and demanding life outside work. However they are not likely to be high achievers. * Praise workers generally feel the need to be praised for hard work hence, serving as a motivator in encouraging the particular worker to keep doing a specific task to his/her best ability. Praise actually has an overall effect on the quality and quantity of goods and services produced, so therefore it is vital for employers to recognize and commend a high quality work. MOTIVATORS APPROPRIATE FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE (CONT.) Delegating this motivates people to work harder in that, it also involves giving workers more responsibility for the tasks they carry out. Delegating is used in a situation where by the particular job holds certain responsibilities, but additional responsibility is giving through delegation, this may help in providing more time for more important tasks, thus, helping in increasing an individuals job satisfaction. Reluctant or poor delegation can be worse than no delegation at all, hence, this is why most employers tend to delegate trustworthy employees to carry out certain tasks. Delegation also helps in meeting target, improving cooperation between staff and employer, and improving the quality and quantity of work carried out. * Shared Ownership shared ownership schemes proves to be very successful in motivating workers in that, employees handle tasks more efficiently due to the fact that they also have a stake in the company hence, people tend to work very well if there is some kind of benefit to derive from their hard work on the long run. The introduction of shared ownership enhances general individual performance i.e. people tend to be self reliance thus, meeting targets, encouraging and maintaining good relationship with co-workers and employers which in turn helps in developing and delivering good quality of work (high standard) as well as improving the quantity of work achieved. * Quality Circle the implementation of quality circle serves as a motivator because it makes employees feel more involved in all the aspects of product development. Quality circle is usually set up to tackle a particular project where quality improvement is necessary therefore, making it easy to recognize each teams ability and alternatively rewarding individual teams for the level of work they put in improving the quality and the amount of goods actually produced. EFFECTS OF MOTIVATORS ON INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE In an event whereby employees needs are catered for promptly and effectively, organisations can benefit a great deal. For instance, in order for quality circles to be successful, quality improvement programmes needs full commitment from employees. The motivators discussed earlier helps in; * enhancing employees commitment to a particular organisation thus, being more reliable in performing tasks individually as well as part of a team. * boost loyalty the level of employees loyalty will be improved if they are being treated with respect they deserve e.g. if employees are offered shared ownership of an organisation as a reward for hard work, the employee will be willing to stay loyal for a long period in that, the employee will be obliged to support the particular organisations internal and external activities i.e. outside and within the organisation. On the whole, these motivators helps in providing opportunities for increased skills, flexible working and individual development. Motivators also provide social companionship and a sense of pride in the overall working relationship in regards to achievements derived from motivating workers in the correct manner. Further Analysis: GAINING EMPLOYEE COOPERATION THROUGH MOTIVATION It is essential that the reward strategy adopted by employers fulfills employees needs i.e. if motivation to work is to be maintained or increased, it is necessary that an individual is convinced that by putting in extra effort at work, his/her performance will be improved and that the reward he/she values will be forthcoming. In order to gain employee cooperation, employers focus on motivating employees in various ways depending on the organisation involved, some of the methods used in achieving this are as follows; * Job Security by providing a secure job opportunity, workers will have the opportunity for career progression, therefore, they will feel motivated to work hard so as to get on. A major example of this relates to the Japanese economy that is, because employers often offer a job for life to potential individuals thus, they tend to expect a high degree of loyalty from their workers as well as commitment to work to the very best of their ability. * Merit Rating this refers to recognizing an individuals performance and selecting personal qualities which an organisation believes to be important and assessing these qualities hence, giving the organisation an overall idea on how to reward individual performance effectively. (Ref. Merit rating form appendix 3) * Appraisal this is also used to pin point performance, appraisal is needed for assessing the performance of an individual in discharging specific responsibilities and/or the potential performance of the individual in other roles. Appraisal often involves assessing both job performance and personality characteristics relevant to the particular job. Performance appraisal is an extension and development of merit rating, it may or may not be used as a basis for increase in salary (performance related pay). GAINING EMPLOYEE COOPERATION THROUGH MOTIVATION (CONT.) An example of appraisal of an employee may take the form below; Job Knowledge and Technical Ability Comments Exceptional Good Satisfactory Marginal Inadequate Energy and Application Comments Exceptional Good Satisfactory Marginal Inadequate Organizing Ability Comments Exceptional Good Satisfactory Marginal Inadequate Overall Assessment 1. Reserved for employees whose distinguished performance is clearly obvious to all. 2. Seasoned employees whose performance is noticeable better than satisfactory. 3. Satisfactory 4. Performance close to being satisfactory but needs further development. 5. Performance clearly below the accountability level required for a certain task or set of tasks (this may include newcomers). 6. Totally unsatisfactory (Ref. Performance Appraisal by: T.L . Whisler and S.F . Harper, research and practice by: Holt, Rinehart and Winston) GAINING EMPLOYEE COOPERATION THROUGH MOTIVATION (CONT.) * Incentive Schemes this may be used to gain cooperation due to the fact that it is a valuable motivator. Incentive schemes means the payment to employees of a regular bonus related to productivity, this is designed to encourage employees to cooperate with management in raising productivity and the overall performance of the organisation. This emphasizes the relationship between performance and payment, in that money remains a major motivator in enhancing growth in the level of work performed. * Management By Objectives this focuses on increasing workers performance by agreeing individual objectives with managers and measuring progress by the degree of attainment of the objectives i.e. management by objectives involves setting specific organizational objectives for a future time period. This is a mutual setting of objectives between each position holder and his/her supervisor and the use of the objectives as standards for evaluating the employees performance. MBOs are used in gaining cooperation in regards to employee and employer relationship that is, employees will respond a lot better to discussions rather than orders/commands. POTENTIAL BENEFITS REGARDING GOOD COOPERATION As established by Frank Herzberg (1968), increased job satisfaction will not always result in increased performance but nevertheless increasing the level of job satisfaction within an organisation has lots of advantages i.e. in relation to the organisation, the managers and each individual employee. Potential benefits Potential benefits to employees to management * more interesting work Through better Through increased * scope for development working methods motivation * more autonomy * companionship and team pride * share in any benefits to employers * better quality * reduced absence * lower turnover * more flexibility * higher productivity Potential organizational benefits * high level of commitment to the organisation * improved industrial relations climate * organisation growth This table lays emphasis on improving job design and work organisation to meet individual needs. (Ref. The effective manager, book 4, open university, 1990) POTENTIAL BENEFITS REGARDING GOOD COOPERATION (CONT.) Benefits which are derived from successful communication between employers and employees includes; Organizational Benefits: * In a situation whereby employees are satisfied with the work they perform as well as their working environment, employees tend to identify more closely with the actual organisation. * Employees who are committed to the organisation are likely to work harder towards organizational goals, seize opportunities, contribute new ideas and act as good public relations officers for their employer. * Effective communication within an organisation will also give rise to less chance of industrial disputes in that, employees will have little or no dissatisfaction and the organisation as a whole can therefore expect to survive competition and prosper. Management Benefits: * If workers are highly motivated, managers will be able to expect better quality performance. * The symptoms of dissatisfaction i.e. absenteeism and illness will be minimal or not present hence, the management will be able to discover that staff are willing and able to perform a range of tasks if their individual skills and abilities are fully developed. On the long run, this benefit will lead to improved productivity and better quality service. Individual Benefits: * If a person with certain skills and abilities finds his/her job suited to the qualities he/she possess, the work the individual participate in, will become more interesting and therefore less likely to produce stress or dissatisfaction. * A job which involves various source of motivation i.e. providing an individual with a scope for development, this will be encouraging to the individual, hence, the particular person will then be able to focus on opportunities for improvement and advancement. On the whole, the level of advantages of job satisfaction outweighs its disadvantages hence, in a situation whereby everybody works hand in hand with a view of a common interest i.e. putting aside personal differences, the organisation tend to survive on the long run the young business enterprise group A is a perfect example to qualify this statement. CONCLUSION: Motivation in Regards to Group Development In order for people to get along well enough as a group so as to be able to benefit the business as a whole, motivators such as praise, autonomy, giving ideas, feedback and so on was implemented in that, for us to achieve each group development stage effectively before moving to the next important stage, it is vital for each group member to deal with the tasks given to the best of his/her ability. * Praise this was used indirectly at regular intervals, so as to show an appreciation for a good level of effort put in by each group member. * Autonomy enough opportunity was given to each group member to work on certain tasks as an individual thus, giving the person overall responsibility without too much questioning. * Giving Ideas each group member was involved in the initial brainstorm for the product ideas as well as designs to be produced and each and every idea brought forward was welcomed and discussed in further depth hence, making each group member feel as part of the business which alternatively led to intense commitment. * Feedback people need to know whether they are performing their jobs satisfactorily, they need praise for doing things well and they need help and advice if they are not performing up to standard, this is achieved through feedback during business meetings. This is used to the advantage of the business venture, in that, people who are not pulling their weight (contributing) were told directly by group members to do so, thus, giving rise to people actually performing much better in some cases and no apparent change in other cases. On the whole, the level of motivational skills applied to the business venture proves to be effective for the individuals within the group as well as in the general group development.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Materialism in George Eliots Silas Marner Essay -- essays research pa
Materialism in George Eliot's Silas Marner After contemplating which theme would be best to illustrate in my paper, in the end, I chose "Materialism vs.Relationships". In certain spots in the novel, it seems, George Eliot attempts to prove that the love of others is ultimately more valuable and fulfilling than the love of money. In my opinion, the actions of few characters could be viewed as materialistic, but I managed to find three: Dunstan Cass, William Dane, and Silas Marner. First, William Dane, Silas's friend and deacon of the church in Lantern Yard.William murdered the ill senior deacon of the church while watching over him. Silas was supposed to watch over him that night. The next day, when the senior deacon was found dead and his money missing, Silas was immediately questioned and accused. William, of course, didn't defend him. He even married the woman Silas was engaged to. Instead of remaining a good friend and deacon, he chose to steal the senior deacon's money and leave Silas to deal with the consequences. Now, on to Silas Marner. After fleeing to Raveloe, S...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How I will achieve academic and personal success at Eastern
I define college as a key to my future; it's more than just a school, but a way of life. The chance one takes in succeeding in the world now is fiercer than ever. The surreal life that some one could ever hope for would be to become rich and famous in Beverly Hills. In all truth I don't want to be like everybody else, I am my own person in my little world. I wish for that world of mine to expand and reach out for everyone to see how important a college education is. Without education there is no knowledge of what is there and not there. No understanding of the truth, and reality the world has to offer. My world may not be as big in all reality but what I dream of is bigger than all the galaxies combined. The one dream I've had since I was a little girl is to go away to college, and make my academic life explode. To go far beyond the depths of Schaumburg and really get to know all that Eastern has to offer in Graphic Design. I have always had a passion about Art; I like to create my own ideas more often than duplicating projects that have already been done. Art is like English, there is no plagiarizing other author's books, yet we still read them and write essays interpreting the meaning of their work. There is no shortcut through life, but always a back way in which there is no end. I've learned that I can only progress from practice. I really haven't taken all the courses that my past schools have offered in Art. I was hoping that Eastern would give me that opportunity to progress in my drawing and design. I love to draw, take photographs, and write. I am not a professional drawer, just a miner doodler. I take pictures of beautiful scenes because I like to and want to remember every lovely moment I live through. I cannot write novels, they boar me to sleep, I can write imaginary tales of whatever I choose. I am a very creative person and would love to express my creative thoughts with the world. I want to achieve my goals into life, and also never let myself down. By moving away from my family, and living on my own, I shall experience what college has to offer. Currently I am still living at home at my part-time job. I have a normal routine and normal life. I want to live on my own and start my life. There is not end to ones achievement, and I am only beginning. I want a crazy busy world that's full of excitement. After college I want to travel the world and see what really exceeds the United States. I'm not going to throw away my goals locked away behind a desk where I am nowhere to be heard. I have to be out there moving, inventing, and learning from other artists even after college is over. My ticket to start my journey would be this school. I am a huge perfectionist when it comes down to anything, I will try until I get into this school. I never give up on life and that's why Eastern shouldn't give up on me. I will work hard and succeed to be the best at what I do. Truly After all you only live once, but try to live twice.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Vegetarian Diet: a Good Practice to Lose Weight or Not
Vegetarian Diet: A Good Practice to Lose Weight or Not? Obesity is one of the major problems of modern societies. At this present, Thai people are getting fatter. According to Kasikorn Research Centre, the researches in 2008 indicates that the number of Thai people classed as overweight is expected to increase between 10 – 12 millions, which is almost 1 in 6 people of the country. However, nowadays, people are more concerned about their health and fitness. They want to be good looking and healthy, so people are looking for ways to lose weight. One popular dietetic practice is vegetarianism.In many areas, people are vegetarians because of inadequate income, lack of animal products, and religious belief. Vegetarian diet becomes the most popular diet practice as it has been proved to lose weight effectively. However, vegetarian diet remains a controversial issue among people. Some people claim that vegetarian diet is lack of nutrients, unhealthy and a difficult practice. However, vegetarian diet is a good practice for losing weight as it benefits weight loser in many ways. Firstly, vegetarian diet is an effective practice to lose weight.Many studies indicate that vegetarian dieters can lose weight very fast. The easiest concept of losing weight is people have to eat fewer calories than they expend. Vegetarian diet helps people lose significant weight since vegetarian foods which include vegetables, fruits and grainsarevery low in calories. Moreover, there are other supporting factors. The fact is fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of water and fibers which enable people to feel full quickly. From the scientific study, human body can absorb vegetable nutrients better than meat.Besides, vegetarians can eat unlimited amount of high-fiber foods without feeling hungry. Furthermore, eating vegetables helps increase calories burnedafter meal since the nutrients from vegetables are digestedfaster than from meats. Also, the consumption of whole grains, one of the staples of vegetarian diets, is proved to be associated with a lower body mass index and waist circumference(BMI). From the researches, vegetarian dieters can achieve their weight losing as they can lose weight about a pound per week without additional exercise and calories intake limitation (physician committee for responsible medicine, 2006).Vegetarianism is the only diets for permanent weight loss since it enables people to shed off unnecessary fats. If people decrease their animal products intakes, undoubtedly, they will lessen their fats intake which is the main reason of weight gain. Quoted in physician committee for responsible medicine, Susan E. Berkow, the author of the Nutrition Reviews, wrote in her reviews that both male and female vegetarians weight 3 to 20 percents lower than meat eaters. Therefore, vegetarian diet is proved to be an effective way to lose weight It has been claimed that being vegetarian is not a good practice because it has many side effects.So me people argue that vegetarians are fainted easily and stressed since they have to avoid meats. In fact, vegetarian diet has fewer side effects when compared to Atkins diet and using diet pills. The first one, Atkins diet practice, gives many trans-fats which come from eating an unlimited amount of meat, dairy products. As reported in Akins Nutritional Organization article, trans-fats have no nutritional value and are the major cause of obesity and the contributor to heart disease. Additionally, meats are converted to fats and fats have been added to weight increasing.Nutritionists have found that Atkins weight loss program increases the risk of heart disease while vegetarian diet decreases it. Moreover, according to the American Cancer Society’s studies, meat increases the risk of colon cancer. On the contrary, fruits and vegetables help lower the risk of getting cancer. The second way to lose weight compared to vegetarian diet is taking diet pills. Diet pills restrain appe tite so they make people feel full so that they can lose weight very quickly; however, it causes many side effects on health. The fact is diet pills cause many ailments such as nervousness, fatigue, headaches, and diarrhea.Moreover, diet pills overdose leads to tremors, hallucinations, heart attack and even death. Many pills contain dangerous chemical substances. For example, Phenylpropanolamine can increase heart beat rate and blood pressure. From the report published in 2004 by the New England Journal of Medicine, San Francisco researchers link diet pills to be the cause of 10 deaths and 20 heart attacks and strokes within the past two years after their drug intake. Hence, losing weight by eating plant products poses less harm than Atkins diet and taking diet pills. Also, vegetarian dietbenefits weight losers in terms of the expenses.Some people may argue that vegetarian foods cost much money and cooking vegetarian dishes can be complicated since they have to select specialthe ing redients. In fact, vegetarian diet helps save money because vegetables and fruits, actually, cost less than meats and whole grains are less expensive than protein from meats. Moreover, since vegetarian diet has few side effects, it helps people save the money spent onmedical care and health insurance. On the other point of view, people who disagree with vegetarian diet claim that vegetarian diet is an unhealthy practice for losing weight since it lacks many nutrients.They claim that those who practice vegetarian diet may lack of nutrients from protein, vitamins and fats. Protein for body growth generally comes from meat and dairy products and vitaminB12, for example, which used to help forming red blood cells and functioning nerve systems comes from milk. In addition, energy which is used during all stages of life comes from fats, carbohydrate, and protein. Besides, they argue that water and fibers reduce energy density and increase the volume of foods. Vegetables and fruits, natura lly, contain a lot of water and fiber content, so they might low in calories and give low energy density.Therefore strict vegetarian diet does not providepeople enough energy to use during the daily activities in life. Actually, to people who are not well informed, vegetarian diet is proven to be a good practice to lose weight. The fact is there are four main types of vegetarian diet. It is categorized by the animal meat restriction in the diet. The first type is a total vegetarian or vegan which is the group of people who eat only vegetables. People who are vegans can lose weight very fast. The second type islacto vegetarian.This type of vegetarian allows vegetables and dairy products. Ovo-vegetarian is another type of vegetarian. They consume vegetables and eggs which give them enough protein. The last type of vegetarian is lacto-ovo vegetarian. People who practice lacto-ovo vegetarians eat all vegetables,eggs and dairy products. It is proved that adopting this diet has many healt h benefits, more than a meat-full diet since lacto-ovo vegetarian food provides protein, carbohydrate, fats, minerals and vitamins which are necessary to human body.So, people in this diet type do not need to find other supplements to stay healthy. Another point is that there are other sources of nutrients from plants which function as protein in meats, vitamins and minerals such as whole grains, legumes, vegetable seeds and nuts. Moreover, lacto vegetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians can gain vitaminB12 by eating dairy products while vegans can obtain vitaminB12 from soy milk and yeast. Besides, milk and dairy products are another source of calcium. Also, kales and green leave vegetables can give calcium which are absorbed better than that from milk.Furthermore, vegetables contain the less amounts of saturated fats than meats, so it can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, vegetarian meals have essential minerals and vitam ins which are good for health. Vegetables are rich in antioxidants and protective Phytonutrients which lower the risk of cancer and chronic syndrome. Besides, losing weight by vegetarian diet is not proven to cause an illness. People who consume a lot of meat have a high risk of heart-disease, cancer and bone loss.The study of more than 500,000 middle-aged and elderly Americans found that those who consumed about four ounces of red meat a day were more than 30 percent likely to die from heart disease and cancer during ten years followed. In conclusion, there are several benefits of vegetarian diet for weight losers. Vegetarian diet is proved to be an effective way to lose weight since it has lesser negative side effects and benefits weight losers in terms of the expenses. There are four types of vegetarians included lacto vegetarians, lacto-ovo vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians and vegans which are categorized from the restriction of animal products.Although some people argue that vegeta rian diet is an unhealthy way to lose weight, many studies prove that vegetarian diet is a healthy weight loss practice. Albert Einstein once said â€Å"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution of vegetarian diet. †Nevertheless, there are many people who starting vegetarian diet without nutritional background knowledge about balanced diet. Therefore, vegetarians should be aware of what nutrients lack in the diet and carefully select types that appropriate for each person to become a wise weight loser. ThanchanokSrisawang 520110045
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Florida Tech University Online MBA Program Essays
Florida Tech University Online MBA Program Essays Florida Tech University Online MBA Program Essay Florida Tech University Online MBA Program Essay Florida Tech University Online MBA Program has been educating prominent business executives, astronauts and decorated U.S. generals for over fifty years. With our internationally recognized team of committed faculty, a commitment to academic excellence and our alumni who keep the Florida Tech University tradition alive through our outstanding achievements. Earning a degree demands a significant time commitment on your part. You want to be absolutely sure that all your hard work will pay off with a degree that’s not only recognized but also respected. Florida Tech University is nationally accredited. Which means you can be confident that the university has been judged  evaluated to consistently meet the high quality standards. Not only will potential employers recognize your degree from Florida Tech University, but many other regionally accredited institutions will recognize your credentials as well. Florida Tech University has perfected our video based E learning system with all the benefits of a traditional  on campus classroom environment. You will be immersed in an online environment that lets you study at your pace and your convenience while working around around your busy schedule. Click the Banner below for the Official: : Florida Tech University Online MBA Program no GMAT USC Social Work Online MBA Program no GMAT with a time honored reputation for educational excellence, the research funding and diversity, the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work prepares its students for major leadership roles in both the public and private sectors and organizations that serve our nation, its families and our communities in need. A true pioneer in the state of the art programs of our online study, the Southern California’s School of Social Work is one of the highest ranked schools of social work in Southern California and is among the top 10 in the country. The USC online Virtual Academia Center is state of the art and offers its students the opportunity to learn and earn a Master of Social Work degree with no relocating and is specially designed to guide social workers with the extensive knowledge and hands on skills to make a real difference in our country while improving the lives of our population. Click the Banner below for the Official: USC School of Social Work Online MBA Program no GMAT Vermont Law School Online MBA Program no GMAT is truly committed to making a very significant impact in the community and the world. Our primary goal is to groom graduates who steward our normal systems and work at the intersection of the law, economics, politics, science, and ethics. From our students, faculty, and staff the character of this university is engaged and collaborative while at the same time motivated yet ethical, sophisticated, intelligent and caring. As a Vermont law student you will experience a high-tech, online educational environment, interacting with and learning from our expert faculty hand picked from the world’s leading environmental teachers, legal scholars, and practitioners. Throughout your rigorous curriculum, you will find yourself focused on understanding the many complexities of  true environmental law policymaking, and the legalities that guide our ever expanding environmental advocacy. Vermont Law School’s law program has always been at the very forefront of the field since the late 1970s and has also been ranked number one by U.S. News numerous times since the early 199os. It still holds the distinction of being the only program available on line and is still offered from the top environmental law schools in the United Sates. We believe that our environment is the most precious resource we have. In todays day an age when our world is under tremendous strain, there is an ever emerging need for passionate people who can devote their careers to protecting mother earth. Our beautiful planet needs true champions who can transform laws and policy across the globe; people who will stand up and fight the influence of change through the advocacy, policy transformation and of most of all action. Vermont Law School has two online degree options that will give you with the expertise you need to address the ever increasingly complex nature of the environmental issues we face on an ongoing basis as a society. Click the Banner below for the Official: Vermont Law School Online MBA Program no GMAT University of San Francisco Online MBA Program no GMAT was founded way back in 1855, the University of San Francisco has had a longstanding tradition of true academic excellence. The University of San Francisco is accredited and was unconditionally affirmed for the maximum 7 years during its most recent university review. University of San Francisco was first accredited in 1950 so our long stand commitment to academic excellence speaks for itself. The University of San Francisco School of Business and Management is also accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) the leading accrediting body for business schools in the USA. The University of San Francisco offers online and in demand programs that enable you to gain many new valuable skills and credentials all online, at your convenience so you can still meet your obligations to work and family. You will also enhance your expertise with the most effective business management tools and techniques available. Whether you need to implement and process many improvements or gradually evolve your organization into a process based institution, the University of San Francisco’s Master Certificate in Business Process Management gives you the tools you need to succeed. Every online course gives you the tools you need to tap into the knowledge and experience of our leading business management experts in the nation. In as little as eight weeks, you will gain critical skills that you can apply immediately in the real world, on the job and a valuable credentials that will serve as a significant milestone as you complete each of our courses. Click the Banner below for the Official: University of San Francisco Online MBA Program no GMAT Stay tuned for our next list of the top non GMAT programs in the country as well as some of the best or most affordable places to get your GMAT if thats the direction you want to head.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
60 Interesting Research Paper Topics †Pro-Academic-Writers.com
60 Interesting Research Paper Topics Research paper topic has to be up-to-date, engaging, and scientific. It has to deal with the most typical problems of modern society. Students should choose topics based on their relevance to their community. If a teacher does not assign a specific research paper topic, it means that you can come up with your own idea. It is not that easy to select a good research paper topic idea. You have to look through endless pages of many different sources to offer your idea to the world. Besides, it is important to make sure that the social, political, or economic problem of your choice is harshly discussed in the media. Find out whether this life problem has a lot of information available in free access to your further research. Human health, problems with children, road safety, animal protection, women rights, and life cycle – all of these topics are perfect for your future project. It is too difficult to select only one idea. You may count on efficient online help when thinking about the best topic name. Avoid stable facts that do not change for years. It is better to talk about some innovations or sensations in your research paper. Do not take too fresh ideas as well – such topics may lack information to serve as your evidence. You may talk about food or impact of the internet on our life. Millions of sources are describing these topics in details. Learn here how to write A+ research paper. Your research paper has to be 100% unique meaning no plagiarism is allowed. The rights of the official sources you might use are reserved, so you have to cite every phrase used in your research paper. Do not forget to include a separate References page (a.k.a. Bibliography) at the end of your research project to distinguish the authors you were inspired by. Besides, your readers have a right to know where to find the sources. If you are using online sources in your research topic, mention them with the links. The main idea is that work cannot be good without all works cited included properly. There are many social problems in the life of modern United States citizens. You should know where to get inspired while choosing your research paper topic. We have collected some issues that may help you to select the best topic from the list. Please have a look at the research paper topics listed below to start searching for the right sources now! Most Recently Selected Research Paper Topics We will do half of the work instead of you by providing a list of good research paper topics below. How to protect abortion doctors and pregnant women. Search for scientific evidence of abortion. Unborn victims of violence. Search for the main factors thanks to which relative equality has been achieved. Reverse discrimination. NOW, National Organization for Women – any related topic. Parents who pay twice: is education worth of it? Government contribution to the public wealth. Special classes with students who have disabilities. Changes in required standardized tests. Search for what local control of education is about. Discrimination in education. Women role in international politics has grown significantly. Paperwork vs. printing on computers. Global warming causes and effects in the closest future. Finding time to dedicate to charity. The time a human being requires to reach the closest planets. Programs aimed to clone humans. Smoking in public places consequences. University education guarantees brilliant career. The Internet has allowed a quick search. In several European schools, fewer than 10% of students get the highest grades. Is there grade inflation in the United States? â€Å"A†means nothing when it comes to joining military. Education and funding –any research topic. No Child Left Behind Act – any good idea. Remote education has shown magnificent results. The role of term papers in the educational system. Children rights should be defended more intensively. How do GPS systems work? Who was actually the first person to reach the Moon? Consumer rights are best protected in developed countries. Any search on the internet regulations. Search for the influence of the internet on music and cinematography industries. Pick some good thoughts. How does a search engine work? Animal rights are protected better these days. Prolonged steroid use on the human body has more negative effects than positive results. Usage of medical marijuana. Alcohol beverages are twice more dangerous than any of the known drugs. Research results. Do the benefits of vaccination outweigh its threats? Any good topic dedicated to common sleep disorders. Crisps are the worst food when talking about the obesity problem. The way skateboard invention has changed the world. The main causes of the stock market crash of 2008 and further world’s financial crisis. Searching for answers to how Cleopatra came to power in Egypt. The law that forbids drinking on the board of the airplane has improved the overall safety situation. Hip-hop history and cultural impact. What makes the platypus an original and interesting mammal? The most effective way to make money work for you instead of vice versa. The life on Earth is coming to its logical end (with proofs). Online strangers appear to be sexual maniacs in most of the cases. Obesity – any research topic. Depression – find an effective study as an example of a good approach to fighting with this disorder. Schizophrenia and other nervous break-downs. How much the war on drugs cost Americans annually. Teen literacy suffers because of the regular text messaging – essay with pros and cons. Human evolution – has it really reached its finish? What is the curse of the pharaohs? Vegetarianism – any subject. Search for a good idea on dyslexia. How are black holes built? Don’t forget about the opportunity to order a complete custom research paper done from scratch from the online professionals!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis of the hi-fi industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Analysis of the hi-fi industry - Assignment Example This has been the case ever since the hi-fi industry came into being and was thus shown the way to increase its basis within the related settings. The growth and developmental basis of the hi-fi industry has come about with the comprehension that its strengths lie in the wake of the potential growth that remains within its fore. What this means is that how well the strengths are being highlighted and what the hi-fi industry as a whole is bringing out with each passing day. This has been represented in the examples that have been given of the hi-fi industry within this case study. The strengths are therefore enclosed within the people who buy the products that are produced by the hi-fi industry and thus cater to its relevant market domains (Nixon, 2010). The weaknesses are present within it as well. These comprise of the immense shortfalls that happen each year in terms of the production estimates of the hi-fi products that are required by the audiophiles and the tech fanatics spread all over the world. This is an important consideration that should be given enough weight because no one expects the audiophiles to go for something which is not easily digestible on their part as far as their audio and video requirements are concerned. This has been shown time and again with delay times in processing which has been the norm for all the wrong reasons. What is even worse is the fact that the hi-fi industry depends a great deal on its own people and if these people fall short on its expected count, then there is bound to be serious anomalies within the relevant system domains. The industry would also suffer as a result of the same as the customer expectations would shift by a long stretch. Since the strengths and the weaknesses are something that is internal to an organization, the opportunities and threats are external and thus have a very wide perspective attached to the same. This would mean that the
Friday, November 1, 2019
'Petroglyph Park' by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith and 'The large Blue Term Paper
'Petroglyph Park' by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith and 'The large Blue Horses' byFranz Marc - Term Paper Example Franz, was a very sensitive painter who was well known for expressing his feelings and emotions through his pieces of art. He loved painting animals, especially horses because he felt that animals are innocent creatures and are much closer to God than human beings. Both artists, Juane and Franz had their own unique and peculiar style of painting but yet shared some commonality between them – such as abstract figures and the use of rich colors. Juane’s paintings are well known as â€Å"inhabited landscapes†while she makes use of modernist color and unique techniques created from her vocabulary of art work which includes oil painting as well as works on paper. The Petroglyph Park was started by Juane about five years later when she completed her MA in art in 1980, from the University of New Mexico and it is this series of paintings that established her artistic voice in the lineage of landscape painting in America. In her modern abstraction of the Petroglyph Park, she makes use of a unique compositional style with brilliant colors and gestural layers of paint. ‘The Large Blue Horses’ by Franz Marc is an expression of his feelings towards animals in general. His type of painting belongs to the category of ‘Expressionists’ as it depicts the sensitive feelings and emotions of the artist.
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