Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What Type Of Literacy Instruction Do You Use - 1593 Words
Interview Questions: 1. What type of literacy instruction do you use? Is it a specific program? (If so what program is it?) †¢ We actually use a combination of programs to create our literacy block. We use the Daily 5 model to create our block of time and stations that they work either in groups or independently. If you haven’t read this book it is a really awesome: â€Å"The Daily 5: fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades†by Gail Boushey Joan Moser. †¢ We also use Reach for Reading as our primary reading curriculum, this was just adopted last year. It is really great for intermediate grades, but for us our students are already quite proficient in many of the areas of the curriculum which is why we supplement it so†¦show more content†¦What type of math instruction do you use? Is it a specific program? (If so what program is it?) †¢ We use Everyday Math as our math curriculum. The kindergarten curriculum is sometimes not strenuous enough for our students so we have a separate that we use called Kindergarten Explorations that uses Everyday Math as well that is for some of our higher level students. 4. When is your math instruction during the day? Is it continuous or just during a certain time each day? How is it implemented? †¢ Math is from 11:45-12:40 each day and is split into time for Everyday Math and Math Workshop, which use games for both individuals and partners to practice math concepts we have learned. Half the class does math by myself while the other does math with a partner during a round and then they switch for the next round. They usually have 6 activities to choose from; math by myself or math with a partner. o 11:45-11:55 White Board Review as a whole class o 11:55-12:10 Math
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Importance of Language and Culture - 3202 Words
The importance of language is a repeated trend throughout history. The lack of language weighs negatively on an individual’s intellect and the acquisition of language feeds the development of one’s cultural identity. The greatest historical conquest began in the realm of linguistic turmoil. Examples of this are vast in the capturing of American Americans slaves, and injustice towards the Native Americans on the home front. The captured people were taken from a variety of tribes speaking different native tongues to insure communication barriers resulting in the slaves not being able to overtake the ship or rally an uprising. The linguistic and cultural differences lead to the manipulation of the semantics of agreements, which lead to many Native Americans to lose their land. The British taken continentally instilled linguistic control over people from India to Southern Africa. British forcefully mandated the educational system be taught in English therefore ultim ately taking over the languacultural acquisition of the continent of India’s future. The pedagogy of language is connected to perpetuation of culture, traditions, and social norms. The Deaf community is another example of the importance of language acquisition throughout history. The impact of how a deaf child is educated impacts more than that deaf child alone but also the future of the Deaf community and the languaculture rich in American Sign Language. â€Å"Classrooms mediate unique and diverseShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Language and Culture2130 Words  | 9 PagesThe Importance of Language and Culture Diana Everett COM200 Instructor Terrance Frazier April 04, 2011 The Importance of Language and Culture There are two forms of communications--verbal and non-verbal. Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Language is not the only source of communication, there are other means also. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or postureRead MoreThe Importance of Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom9379 Words  | 38 PagesThe Importance Of Teaching Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom Radical Pedagogy (2001) ISSN: 1524-6345 The Importance Of Teaching Culture In The Foreign Language Classroom Language And Culture: What IS Culture And Why Should IT BE Taught? In this section, we will briefly examine the relationship between language and culture and see why the teaching of culture should constitute an integral part of the English language curriculum. To begin with, language is a social institution, both shapingRead MoreThe Factors That Necessitate And Influence The Teaching Of Culture851 Words  | 4 Pagesteaching of culture in EFL classrooms. Though the focus is on English language classes in China, I believe the core message can be applied to second language classes anywhere. The EFL community now acknowledges the importance of culture, however, it’s presence in the curriculum remains sparse for a number of reasons including â€Å"lack of time, uncertainty about which aspects of culture to teach, and the lack of practical techniques†(Mao, p. 144). Additionally, the majority of language proficiency testsRead MoreFilm Evaluation-the Linguists1160 Words  | 5 Pages1. Why do linguists study languages, and what is lost when a language dies? Figure out possible ways the human mind can make sense of the world around it. Some unique way of seeing the world could be lost. 2. What areas do Gregory and David choose when they are looking for languages to research? Areas most in need and areas with history of colonization. India, Bolivia, and Siberia are some examples. 3. Who typically stops speaking the indigenous language, and why do you think thatRead MoreThe Importance of Language in Pushing the Bear1201 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant because it expresses the importance of maintaining Cherokee cultural ideals as protest towards the United States government. The nine-hundred mile, four month journey that the Southeastern Cherokee tribes were forced to make in the winter of 1838 threatened to wipe out an entire culture. On the journey, approximately four thousand people lost their lives. As this harrowing story is portrayed in the novel, the importance of the language and maintaining the culture of the Cherokee people is theRead MoreCross Cultural Communication : A Universal Standards For Business Communication871 Words  | 4 Pagesacross multiple cultures effectively. This process is called cross-cultural communication, with this has created much debate as to if it’s important to understand other countries cultural communication s. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Community Guide Systematic Review Analysis â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Community Guide Systematic Review Analysis? Answer: Introducation I support the intent of this bill because mental health in New Zealand is a serious and ever rising issue. In 2012/2013, according to a health survey, one among six individuals in New Zealand suffer from mental disorders like anxiety, bipolar disorders and depression (, 2017). Women are found to be more prone to the mental disorders than men among all age groups. Unlike 13% of men prone to mental disorders, 20% of females are found to be affected by common mental disorders. The most affected age groups of women affected by mental illnesses were in the range of 35-44 years, while men of age groups 45-55 years are affected. 6% of the New Zealand citizens experience psychological distress and are prone to have a depressive or anxiety disorder. However, women are found to be more affected by psychological distress than men are. Older people were diagnosed with various mental disorders, while the younger generation suffered from psychological distress. Mental disorders a re the third leading causes of health challenges faced by the New Zealanders. It is behind only to cancer and vascular diseases (, 2017). In 2014/2015, the New Zealand Health Survey reported that an approximate 17% adult are diagnosed with anxiety or mood disorders. Approximately 6.2% of the adults reported to be suffering from or experiencing mental distress resulting in rage, depression, anxiety and confused emotions. The use of antidepressants has also increased among the population of New Zealand. Approximately 5% of New Zealanders live with psychiatric disabilities, which limit their day-to-day activities. Reports reveal premature mortality among individuals suffering from mental health problems due to side effects of medications that affect the cardiovascular health as well as high rates of smoking. Other conditions leading to premature mortality among individuals with mental disorders include lack of proper treatment, social deprivation and discriminati on (Galletly et al., 2016). The aim of the organization is to implement various approaches that would help to decrease mental health cases in New Zealand. I wish to make the following comments. Suicide is not only a social issue but also a health related issue. Suicide rates indicate the problems associated with mental health as well as the social welfare of the population of a country. New Zealand has a high number of suicide cases related to issues of mental health. According to UNICEF, New Zealand has the highest number of youth suicides among the various developed countries (McLoughlin, Gould Malone, 2015). Various reasons lead to high suicide rates among teenagers in New Zealand. These include high number of pregnancies among teenagers, lack of employment and child poverty. Moreover, New Zealand has the worst cases of child bullying present in their various schools and colleges. Other factors include child abuses and family violence (Fryers Brugha, 2013). Suicide rates are higher among the Pacific Islander and Maori men. Thus. There are also issues regarding social discrimination, cultural racism, among others (Crengle, Robinson , Ameratunga, Clark Raphael, 2012). The suicide rates are found to be higher among men as compared to the women. Moreover, the younger population are more affected than the older generation. Individuals with depressive disorders are particularly at a higher risk of committing suicide. I support the clause because mental health is a serious issue in New Zealand. The topic of mental health is a cause of concern in New Zealand but sufficient attention is not provided in this case. Individuals living in rural and deprived regions of New Zealand suffer from poor health, particularly from poor mental health condition. They do not get facilities for proper healthcare. In the New Zealand Health Survey of 2012/2013, adults living in remote areas are diagnosed with mental disorders (, 2017). The various risk factors for the development of mental disorders include social inequalities. Actions are needed to ensure improvement in the conditions of daily life starting from birth and progressing to adulthood. Actions in all the stages from birth to adulthood are needed to improve the mental health of the populations associated with social inequalities. Unemployment or very poor quality of employment poses as risk factors in the development of mental disor ders (Frasquilho et al., 2016). There is a direct correlation between the development of mental conditions and job loss. The total absence of mental health discussions in New Zealand is highly disturbing. The indigenous population are at an increased risk because they are less likely to be diagnosed with mental conditions because of their socioeconomic status. Another concern that is associated with increased numbers of mental disorder cases is the education level of the population. Lack of proper education causes the population to believe that mental illness is a personality flaw rather than a condition that needs immediate medical attention (, 2017). Although I agree with the general intent of the clause 1, I consider that certain changes are to be made. These include the addition of necessary approaches that can be undertaken to prevent or reduce the number of mental health cases in New Zealand. The 2 primary National policies that are responsible for the initiatives regarding mental health development in New Zealand are Rising to the Challenge: The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan 2012-2017 (Ministry of Health, 2012) and the Mental Health and Addiction Commissioning Framework (Ministry of Health, 2016). Rising to the challenge defines the importance of generating proper infrastructure for integrating specialist services along with primary services. It also states that the New Zealand ministry will develop and operate a primary mental health and addiction service delivery framework based on the stepped care model that ensures that people immediately receive the appropriate level of care. The Mental Health and Addiction Commissioning Framework is based on the UK Guidance for Commissioners of Primary Mental Health Care Services for necessary mental health service development in New Zealand. However, UK ensures better investment in evidence based research and therapies on mental disorders than New Zealand. In addition, changes have been described in the Government policies relating to new directions to be taken by health services like community based services carried out by Non-Government Organizations (, 2017). Apart from these policies, the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is New Zealands most important and foremost law on work health and safety. The main purposes of HSWA are: protecting workers against damage to their safety, health and welfare by elimination of work related risks, providing effective workplace co-operation, promotion of work health and safety among the workers and the employers, education and training in association with health and safety at wor k, implementation of enforcement and compliance measures, review of actions and development of a framework for improvements and maintenance of high standards regarding health and safety at work. According to the HSWA, various tools or approaches are available in order to ensure prevention of potential health and safety risks at the workplace. These tools are improvement, prohibition, non-disturbance and infringement notices, enforceable undertakings and prosecutions. Improvement notices are issued when there is a breach of the HSWA guidelines. A prohibition notice is issued when the workplace activity is associated with serious health and safety concerns. An infringement notice is issued when offences are carried out against the HSWA. Moreover, prosecutions are also carried out for breaches in the HSWA guidelines (, 2017). Specific Comments I wish to raise the following matters under term of reference 1. Specific approaches needed for mental health promotion and monitoring should include better use of the available resources like increasing the number of direct service delivery to individuals and increasing the number of specialist service providers in primary care. This will result in high value for money due to the implementations of public funded mental health services. Another approach can be to carry out integrations between primary and specialist care services. This will provide the individuals with mental illness, instant access to primary care services. Integration will also ensure that the waiting times for getting specialist services will be reduced and will also enable enhanced access to specialist care services for all ages (Thota et al., 2012). Lastly, approaches should be directed towards people living in remote areas under high levels of poverty. It will also ensure specialist services for such remote com munities and will enhance the chances of getting jobs and academic opportunities for people thriving under poor socio economic conditions. Recommendations Other recommendations that can be made for improving mental health in New Zealand could be to carry out intervention strategies at an early stage with relation to the children coming from poor socioeconomic backgrounds. Early life interventions will prevent the development of mental illnesses at a later stage of life. It is necessary to limit waiting times for youth or child services and increase access to such services in case of such lower income or indigenous populations. Thus, a system-based approach can ensure the mental health benefits for the population of New Zealand. References Crengle, S., Robinson, E., Ameratunga, S., Clark, T., Raphael, D. (2012). Ethnic discrimination prevalence and associations with health outcomes: data from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of secondary school students in New Zealand.BMC public health,Vol: 12(1), pp: 45, doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-45 Frasquilho, D., Matos, M. G., Salonna, F., Guerreiro, D., Storti, C. C., Gaspar, T., Caldas-de-Almeida, J. M. (2016). Mental health outcomes in times of economic recession: a systematic literature review.BMC public health,Vol: 16(1), pp: 115, doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-2720-y Fryers, T., Brugha, T. (2013). Childhood determinants of adult psychiatric disorder.Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health: CP EMH,Vol: 9, pp: 1-150, doi: 10.2174/1745017901309010001 Galletly, C., Castle, D., Dark, F., Humberstone, V., Jablensky, A., Killackey, E., Tran, N. (2016). Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for the management of schizophrenia and related disorders.Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,Vol: 50(5), pp: 410-472, doi: 10.1177/0004867416641195 McLoughlin, A. B., Gould, M. S., Malone, K. M. (2015). Global trends in teenage suicide: 20032014.QJM: An International Journal of Medicine,Vol: 108(10), pp: 765-780. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcv026 Thota, A. B., Sipe, T. A., Byard, G. J., Zometa, C. S., Hahn, R. A., McKnight-Eily, L. R., Gelenberg, A. J. (2012). Collaborative care to improve the management of depressive disorders: a community guide systematic review and meta-analysis.American journal of preventive medicine,Vol: 42(5), pp: 525-538, doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2012.01.019 (2017).Cite a Website - Cite This For Retrieved 7 November 2017, from (2017).Cite a Website - Cite This For Retrieved 7 November 2017, from (2017).Cite a Website - Cite This For Retrieved 7 November 2017, from (2017).Cite a Website - Cite This For Retrieved 7 November 2017, from (2017).Cite a Website - Cite This For Retrieved 7 November 2017, from (2017).Cite a Website - Cite This For Retrieved 7 November 2017, from
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Ideal Dinner (Billy Corgan, Jimi Hendrix, And G. Washington) Essay
The Ideal Dinner (Billy Corgan, Jimi Hendrix, and G. Washington) If I could invite any three people to dinner, I would probably choose Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins, Jimi Hendrix, and George Washington. A strange combination to say the least, but I feel that I could learn a lot from all of them in the areas of creativity, skill, and wisdom. I would invite Billy Corgan because of the poetic lyrics in the songs he writes. He uses majestic words to describe everyday things and expresses himself beautifully, even in songs that don't sound like they would have good lyrics. I would like to know where he gets his inspiration. His lyrics do not even have to rhyme, but they flow together so beautifully, that you do not even notice. I would ask him about his future albums, projects, and ideas to gain a better understanding of poetry, lyrics, and songwriting. He is very intelligent, and I think he has a lot to share with everyone. His diversity, talent, and his ability to be ferocious and graceful at the same time would make me want to invite Billy Corgan to dinner. I would invite Jimi Hendrix because he was one of the greatest guitarists of all time, despite his drug habits. Hendrix was ahead of his time with the music he played. He introduced a whole new style of rock guitar. His lyrics were simple and were almost always about love, but his guitar talent and unique playing style always made up for it. I would love to have a jam session with him and maybe have him teach me some things I do not know about playing guitar. It would be a great honor to learn from a teacher as great as him. A lot of people would kill for a chance to do just that. His uncanny ability to play my favorite instrument, the guitar, would be plenty enough reason to invite Jimi Hendrix to dinner. My third guest would be much different than the rest. Not only because he didn't play guitar, but for the fact that he existed a couple hundred of years before either of the other two. I would invite George Washington to dinner because he was one of the founders of our country. The Constitution of the United States and other old bills are so vague, that I do not feel we have an accurate grasp of what the founders meant for our country. I would like to pick his brain and find out what he had in mind for the country that we live in. I think there would be a lot of changes in this country if he were alive today, a lot of them, quite possibly, for the better. I believe that the country is not at all what he intended it to be. I would like to know his views on God, his knowledge about law, and maybe how to win a war or two. His bravery, intellect, and wisdom would convince me to invite George Washington to dinner.
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